Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Pottermania at Mustard Seeds

Yesterday Mauraunty picked up the MSeeds Library copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last installment of our favorite wizard series. We'll be making a list of who gets it after who...
And today, believe it or not, Harry showed up in the form of a Mustard Seed dying to know what we all think about the books (and films) so far. So here are a few of our comments as they come in:

Which was your favorite book so far?
Ruku: The Goblet of Fire. There was a lot of action and I really liked the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Harry and Cedric were mighty brave. At last, it is also an emotional book, after Cedric dies.
Puja: The Goblet of Fire...but I haven't read the last one yet. I like the Tri-Wizard Tournament and the Yule Ball.
Pallavi: Deathly Hallows -- because it answered all the mysteries and questions that were hanging from the other books.
Momo: Probably the third one, Prisoner of Azkaban. If you ask which is the worst one, I'd say Order of the Phoenix: pretty boring compared to the others. Azkaban is different from the others, really unique.

Did you look forward to the final installment?
Ruku: Sure, but I’m not so excited as everyone else because I don’t like the concept of the HP series coming to a finish.
Puja: Yes- because I want to know what happens to Harry Potter.
Pallavi: Very much! It was the ending and I have been a die-hard fan of Harry Potter and I was waiting to find out what happened at the end.
Momo: Not really. It has been too long a wait and I lost interest. Well, everyone in the world is excited about this last one -- even if they do not like HP!

How will you get your hands on the last book?
Ruku: As you know there is a nice and friendly library where I live so I never need to buy books.
Puja: From Mustard Seeds, after Ruku or Takai finish it!
Pallavi: I bought it. Well, my father bought it with money that I had saved up (Pallavi is one of her first members from long ago...all grown now!)
Momo: Through my school or Mustard Seeds. I'm fifth on the list at Mustard Seeds.

What do you think happens?
Ruku: I think Harry IS going to die because everyone says that if Voldemort dies, Harry has to die. Because when Voldemort went to kill Harry, by mistake, he inserted one of his qualities into Harry. That’s why Harry can speak Parseltongue so if Voldemort has to die, something will happen to Harry…I think Harry is the last of the horcruxes.
Puja: Voldemort dies and Harry lives, by conquering him.
Pallavi: I already read it. I thought Harry was going to die -- and Voldemort with him.
Momo: Well, I already KNOW what happens so I don't have to THINK what happens. But before I knew what happens, I thought that probably Rowling would jeopardize Harry. Just like Sir Arthur Conn Doyle did with Sherlock Holmes.

What do you think about the movies coming out? Do you prefer the books or the movies?
Ruku: The films are quite good but the best one was Goblet of Fire. I prefer the books to the films because the story has to be shortened up in the films so I don’t think they are complete.
Puja: The books. But I like the movies too because the acting is so good and when you watch, you get the exact feeling!
Pallavi: The book. But movies are actually a must for those who have read the books. After watching the movies, when you are reading the book again you can actually give a reality picture to the characters then.
Momo: The books! There is no question or consideration.

How do you think JK Rowling is feeling these days?
Ruku: She’s feeling quite sad on one side, and on the other side…quite excited because she herself cannot believe that she has finished seven books.
Puja: She's feeling sad since she's finishing the books. It is like somehow getting lost from a big world of fascination. She's quite a good author and she writes as if she herself spent time studying at Hogwarts!
Pallavi: She's feeling lonely -- parting from her very best friend. She's a mind-blowing genius!
Momo: I am not JK Rowling...that's a good question. OK, from my point of view she must be impatient and disturbed about the latest book coming out and what the reactions will be. As an author, she's attractive. She matches the style of the readers. Many authors just write as they themself would like the book to read, but I feel that she thinks about her readers and what they will like when they read the books. She's universal.

What have you learned from HP so far?
Ruku: I learned to have confidence in myself rather than to depend on others, and to be brave whatever I do, whatever happens. He has also taught that he always hopes for the best and is prepared for the worst! One girl in our school got a letter from Harry Potter, she wanted an interview. She asked about his hobbies, about the films, etc. and he gave all the answers; it was printed in our school magazine. Seems like a nice guy!
Puja: That evil can be conquered by love!
Maura: That it is fun for an adult to get carried away in their imagination sometimes too!
Pallavi: Courage and patience, and fate.
Momo: Orphans can be famous too! Oooh. tricky one. Courage! Simple living -- the life at 4 Privet Drive.

Any other comments?
Ruku: Harry Potter is a very good looking guy!
Puja: Daniel Radcliffe is quite handsome!
(Editor: What's going on here????!!!!!)
Pallavi: I will go on reading them until I don't have eyes anymore! I don't want Daniel to leave the movies!
Momo: Hopes someone takes up the job of writing more Harry Potters! For example, the return of Harry Potter by MOMO!!