Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Writing Contest

Our Mustard Seeds member, Srijata, had her own jingle about plastics published in the brochure for BAL VIVIDHA, a festival celebrating alternate approaches to learning. Congratulations on such a well-written rhyme! It sure has a good message for us all to think about and learn from:

Plastic bags - Plastic Bags
Thrown everywhere --
Why not say, "No thanks to plastic,"
And show how much you care?

Banning plastic is just one step
But it's really up to you and me --
Start to imagine our Kolkata
Being clean and litter free!

If you must take a bag
Re-use it again and again --
Keep it from getting scattered,
Or going down the drain!
Mother Earth is asking
each and everyone
To change our bad habits --
So that she can have some fun!

- by S.R.

We don't know if Srijata won a prize or not but we are certainly proud that her jingle was picked to be published in the beautiful brochure that was put out for this festival. It was a great success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this poem. Congratulations on being published, Srijata! It seems like the Mustard Seeds Library's focus on the environment is making an impact.